What can the HRLSC help me with?

The HRLSC can help you if you need legal advice or assistance with respect to a matter covered by the Ontario Human Rights Code (or the “Code”).

Be sure to complete our Decision Tree to see if you are eligible for services:

Being eligible for services means that as an applicant you are generally eligible for legal support services. However, this does not mean that any particular level or amount of legal support services will be provided to the applicant.

If you find through our decision tree that you are an applicant that is eligible for our services, the HRLSC can provide the following legal support services:

  • The initial intake procedure and interview,
  • Summary information and advice, assistance with application completion,
  • Assistance with preparing for mediation, representation at mediation before the Human Right Tribunal of Ontario (or “HRTO”); and
  • Representation at hearings before the Tribunal.

We can also help with:

  • Dispute resolution (providing information for demand letters to get a result before filing an application with the HRTO); and
  • Enforcing a decision or settlement under the Code.

Legal services, including representation, are provided on a stage-by-stage basis – for settlement negotiations, for filing, for mediation and for a hearing. This allows us to match the level and extent of service at each stage to a number of factors including the needs of the individual, the merits of the claim and the complexity of the evidentiary and legal issues.

Information on your eligibility for the HRLSC’s services as an applicant.

Read about the process of filing an application, an other possible legal remedies for your case.

How do I know if I have a human rights case under the Ontario Human Rights Code?

What is Discrimination? 

Discrimination means unequal or different treatment or harassment that causes harm. The Ontario Human Rights Codeis a provincial anti-discrimination law that applies to workplaces, housing, services, facilities, and to contracts or agreements. In most cases, the Code only applies to discrimination that happened in Ontario. If you want to take legal steps to address an incident of discrimination, the deadline to do so is generally one year from the last discriminatory event or conduct.  

People have the right to equal treatment and opportunities, without discrimination or harassment, in the areas covered by the Code. Not all unfair treatment and not all harassment is covered by the Code. The treatment or harassment must have been based on a ground and in an area covered by the Code.  

More information on the Code and the other human rights jurisdictions in Canada.


This is general information only. It is not legal advice about your situation. This guide is not a substitute for a lawyer’s research, analysis and judgment. This guide is reliable as of the date of publication (September, 2022). You should be aware that the law and procedures under the Human Rights Code (Code) and at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) are subject to change without notice.

The Human Rights Legal Support Centre (HRLSC) has developed the following guideline for its consideration in making determinations on the provision of legal support services to persons who are applicants or potential applicants to the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (Tribunal). This guideline will inform, on a case-by-case basis, the HRLSC’s determinations with respect to requests for its legal support services.

The HRLSC welcomes public feedback on this guideline. Comments can be left here.

I’ve read about what the HRLSC does and what discrimination is under the Code. What do I do now?

Have You Experienced Discrimination?

What is discrimination? Have you experienced discrimination and can the HRLSC help you?


Learn more about filing applications, mediations, your legal options and more.

Contact Us

If you’ve used the online tool, have reviewed our How-to section, and still can’t find an answer, get in touch with HRLSC.