man talking on cellphone
Step 1 (previous step)
Step 2 (current)
Step 3 (upcoming step)
Step 4 (upcoming step)
Step 5 (upcoming step)
Step 6 (upcoming step)

Did the discrimination happen in one of the social areas covered by the Human Rights Code?

These are:

Contracts — such as buying a car or home

A social area under the Code. Everyone with the legal capacity to contract has the right to contract without discrimination.

Employment — including temporary and casual work

A social area in the Code. Everyone in Ontario is entitled to equal treatment with respect to employment.

Housing — including looking for an apartment

 A social area in the Code. Everyone has the right to equal treatment with respect to the occupancy of accommodation without discrimination or harassment. 

Membership — in a trade union or professional association

Every person has the right to equal treatment in membership in a union, a trade association or a self-governing profession. For example, a union or professional association cannot refuse you membership or treat you differently than other members because you are a woman.

Services, goods and facilities— such as stores, theatres, buses, schools, government programs

A social area in the Code. Everyone has the right to equal treatment based on a protected characteristic in the receipt and delivery of publicly available services, goods and facilities. See section 1 of the Code. Services does not include a levy, fee, tax, or periodic payment imposed by law.

For more information about the social areas covered in the Human Rights Code, please see our FAQ pages

Did the discrimination happen in any of the listed social areas?