Hockey Canada agreed to make changes to protect young players in Ontario from discrimination and harassment based on a player’s transgender status. These changes resolved a human rights application Jesse Thompson filed after facing difficulties at his local arena.

Hockey Canada will:

  • Provide training to all its Ontario-based trainers and coaches on gender identity and gender expression, including training on discrimination and harassment
    • Amend its Ontario Co-Ed Dressing Room Policy, which will be publicly posted on the websites of the Ontario branches of Hockey Canada, to include that:
    • A player has a right to use a dressing room that corresponds with the player’s self-identified gender identity;
    • A player shall be addressed by the player’s preferred name and referred to by pronouns corresponding to the player’s self-identified gender identity; and
    • A player is entitled to privacy and confidentiality with respect to the player’s trans status
    • Information about the amended policy accessible to staff, volunteers, parents/guardians and players in Ontario.

Read the full media release on Canada Newswire