The Small Claims Court is a branch of the Superior Court of Justice. It is a very busy court and handles nearly half of all civil claims in Ontario. The monetary jurisdiction of Ontario’s Small Claims Court increased effective January 1, 2020. The jurisdiction of the Court will increase from $25,000 to $35,000. The claims limit of $25,000 has been in place since 2010 when it was increased from the previous $10,000. Claims over $35,000 would need to be brought in the Superior Court of Justice.
What does this mean for applicants at the HRTO? It means applicants seeking to enforce their judgments obtained at the HRTO up to $35,000 can now use the faster, more accessible and more affordable enforcement process at the Court. This is an important development in creating better access to justice for Ontarians choosing to represent themselves or who are unable to afford the servicers of a lawyer or paralegal.
See media coverage here and here.
See the government press release here.