Statistics and Open Data
As part of the HRLSC’s commitment to providing quality services to clients and open and transparent operations, we collect and share information about who and how we help provide legal advice and support to people across Ontario.
The HRLSC records and reports on the quarterly and yearly statistics for its client services.
2021-2022 Client Satisfaction
Intake by Grounds of Discrimination 2021/22
Intake by Social Area 2021/22
Inquiries by Region in 2021-2022
2020-2021 Inquiries by Regions:
Most Common Grounds of Discrimination:

2020-2021 Areas Pie Chart
Client Satisfaction:

Inquiries by Region:
Most Common Grounds of Discrimination:

2015-2016 Client Service Satisfaction
Open Data
Under Ontario’s Open Data Directive, provincial agencies are required to post a public Data Inventory of all the data sets they create, collect and/or manage.
The Human Rights Legal Support Centre’s data inventory is a list of all our data sets and indicates whether each data set is:
- currently open;
- in the process of being opened; or
- restricted (not open) for legal, security, privacy, confidentiality or commercially-sensitive reasons.
As indicated in the data inventory, some information in the open data sets may be removed before publication, for privacy or related reasons.
Complete data is published annually in audited financial statements. Incomplete data may impair various contract negotiations.
Since employee numbers are small, individual personal information would be indirectly disclosed in this data.