G.M. v. X Tattoo Parlour 2018 HRTO 201

G.M. was 15 years old when she was sexually harassed by her employer. The HRLSC represented her at a hearing before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. The identities of G.M. (the applicant), XTP (the employer and respondent) and F.G. (the owner and personal respondent) are anonymized in accordance with a publication ban. F.G. was a close family friend of the young woman’s parents, and agreed to supervise G.M. as an apprentice at his tattoo parlour. The harassment began with F.G. having sexual conversations with G.M. and escalated to sexual assault. F.G. also offered G.M. money and a free tattoo in exchange for sex.

The Tribunal found:

  • “the applicant’s vulnerability was marked”;
  • “these events had a profound and destructive impact on her”;
  • the individual respondent’s conduct was egregious; and
  • the respondent’s actions toward the applicant constituted serious violations of her rights.

The Tribunal ordered:

  • the employer to pay $75,000 in general damages to G.M. for the harm caused by the harassment and assault.

To read the full decision, visit Canlii.