(Gender, sexual harassment)

Ms. Harriott was subjected to sexual harassment by her supervisor at a Toronto Money Mart office and complained to the district manager.

The Tribunal found that the Money Mart district manager “proceeded to attack the Applicant about the validity of her complaint and whether she understood what sexual harassment was, despite the fact that she was the company representative who knew of the complaints that she had received in previous months from other female employees.” The Tribunal found that the harassment was “relentless” and that the company had “completely failed” to investigate complaints.

The Tribunal ordered:

  • $30,000 to the Applicant for violation of the inherent right to be free from discrimination and harassment
  • The Respondent to amend their harassment and discrimination policy and to distribute it to every employee in Ontario
  • The Respondent to train all Ontario managerial staff about human rights within 6 months from the date of the decision, covering all basic principles of human rights law including what constitutes sexual harassment, the obligation to maintain a harassment-free workplace and the components of a good investigation process.

To read the full decision, visit CanLII