Realizing Human Rights Together, Empowering Access to Justice

After consultations with over 180 stakeholders representing clients, human rights service providers, and community organizations, HRLSC Board and staff, partners and funder organizations, the HRLSC is releasing its new five-year strategic plan, “Realizing Human Rights Together: Empowering Access to Justice.”

An intensive strategic visioning process began in 2024 following stakeholder consultations. This led to the development of four priorities and nine goals which will direct the HRLSC’s activities towards fulfilling the Centre’s new Vision, Mission and Values for the next five years. The priorities identified are focused on creating better access to a broader range of human rights legal support services, strengthening our leadership role in support of persons seeking human rights justice to advance systemic change, law reform, jurisprudence, reconciliation and experiential education, and creating organizational sustainability for the HRLSC.

We would like to express our immense gratitude to all stakeholders for their time and consideration contributing to our consultation process. We look forward to creating a better Centre of the future, working collaboratively with you and community partners to help empower and realize human rights for individuals and communities across this province.

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