
Ms. Kohli had twice been passed over for promotion to Assistant Manager positions because she was a woman. The Tribunal accepted that Ms. Kohli had been told by her store manager that she was not suitable for an Assistant Manager position because she was a woman and that when she challenged these decisions, she was subject to reprisal. Further, the Tribunal found the company made no real effort to investigate the reprisal allegations.

The Tribunal ordered:

  • $12,000 to the Applicant in damages for the loss of the right to be free from discrimination
  • $23,586.59 in lost wages
  • The Respondents to complete Ontario Human Rights Commission’s on-line human rights training and provide copies of the certificates of completion to the Applicant
  • The Respondents to retain an expert in human rights law to develop a comprehensive anti-discrimination policy including an internal complaints mechanism.

To read the full decision, visit CanLII